“Becoming more thoughtful about movement lifts your spirits. You are happy and hear yourself laughing!”
Yoga & pilates for fun and fitness!
The inherent joy within all of us can be better felt through a greater awareness of the mind/body/spirit connection. It is our goal to make this connection through our teachings. More about us>
Thursday night yoga now at 6:30!
Thursday night mixed level yoga is now at 6:30. more>
Write a testimonial!
Click on what people are saying and scroll down to add your testimonial. Whether it be a yoga retreat, a private pilates session, an acupuncture treatment or a more general comment about Lauging Bodies we would appreciate hearing from you! more>
Acupuncture: Yong Oh - Fridays at Laughing Bodies
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin, sterile single-use needles at precise points along the body to promote natural healing and restore balance throughout. more>