Are You a Gadget?
Rev. Mark Ward, Lead Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, NC
The pervasive growth of the Internet in our lives has prompted some deep thinking on how cyberspace might be changing us and what that bodes for our future. So, what might this hold for how we envision our religious life?
Rev. Ward has been minister of the Asheville UU church since August 2004. He is a former newspaper journalist and life-long UU. He is married with three daughters and one granddaughter.
TVUUC is a church committed to the open exchange of ideas. The views of our forum presenters do not necessarily represent the views of the church.
TVUUC Social Action Initiative 2011
The Stone Soup TVUUC Auction 2010: This year there are two separate auction web forms to submit:
1. Auction Meal/Event/Service Donation
2. Auction Item Donation
Office Hours: 9am-4:30pm, Monday - Friday
Sunday Worship Services: 9 am & 11:15am
(one service at 10am during summer months)
Unitarian Universalist Association
Thomas Jefferson District
Knoxville Area UU Churches
The Mountain Retreat & Learning Centers
The mission of TVUUC is to create a welcoming community that nurtures spiritual growth and challenges us to transform the world through acts of love and justice.