Aptitude Test, Aptitude Test Online
Our Aptitude Test will help you choose your career. Guaranteed. This Aptitude Test is over 99% accurate, has a 99.5% customer rating, and has been safely used for over 28 years.
The online test accurately compares your career aptitude to all jobs in the world, showing which you fit best AND, how you fit or don't fit each career. The aptitude report also shows you how to be more successful in any job! We give extensive success-building advice, AND show how to improve relationships with others.
Easily complete the test online, on the web. Your aptitude report is then quickly emailed back to you, usually within 15 minutes. Extensive information is provided on each job we list, from ONET, the US Government database. Then, go to Monster.com, key in the job name, & find job openings!
To see a sample of the report or to take the test, click the button below.