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Hope Presbyterian Church
Information may not be reliable

Hope Presbyterian Church, Mitchellville, Maryland
Address8500 Walnut Grove Rd Cordova, TN 38018-7392
Phone(901) 755-7721
Ministries Christian Education Evangelism & Membership Fellowship Mission Music Stewardship Youth Tutoring Program Youth Calendar Deacons Prayer Shawl Ministry Personnel Bible Study

What time does church begin tomorrow morning? You might see this as a trick question since this evening we set our clocks back one hour for the fall/ winter seasons. We have been awaking to mornings where it seems like the middle of the night so this time change should help the dawn and the sunrise greet us as we begin our days. By the way, worship begins at 10:30 AM tomorrow morning. That's the answer to the question.

Speaking of trick questions, our Gospel text this week has Jesus dealing with the Sadducees and their trick question for him. Jesus changes the focus, however, from their trick question to an answer about the living God and eternal life. The text is Luke 20: 27-38. In tomorrow's worship, we will share an All Saints celebration as we remember and give thanks for the lives of friends and loved ones who have passed on this past year.

Tomorrow we gather around the table and share the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Our Commitment Cards for 2011 will be received during the offering and dedicated. Don't forget to bring your Commitment Card. If you have misplaced it, Ivo Azongha and Charles Scott have extras.

Also, we are collecting for Thanksgiving baskets which the Mission Committee will be packing later in the month and sharing with eight families. Please consider bringing a contribution and placing it in the basket in the narthex as you come in the door. We need canned sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned green beans, pie filling, pie crust mix, roll mix, canned gravy, cranberry juice and stuffing mix.

The youth choir will be singing during tomorrow's worship service and they are to be in the sanctuary ready for rehearsal at 9:30 AM.

Take advantage of the Adult Forum Bible Study which takes place at 9:30 AM. A lively discussion about the morning's scripture text is always a guarantee with this group.

There are upcoming events in the life of Hope Presbyterian Church which you will want to note. Sunday, November 14 is the annual Harvest Festival/ Thanksgiving worship. There will be details in tomorrow's bulletin.

On November 21, following worship, there will be a New Members class for all those who are interested in joining the membership of Hope Presbyterian Church. If you have been greeting and meeting some of our visitors on Sunday mornings, invite them to this class to learn about membership in Hope Presbyterian Church.

In celebration of All Saints, I offer this prayer from the Book of Common Worship:
Almighty God, you have knit us together in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son, Christ our Lord.
Give us grace to follow the blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living. Grant that we may serve you faithfully here on earth and in heaven rejoice with all your saints in the joy that you have prepared through Jesus Christ, our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

On Sunday November 14 we celebrate Thanksgiving with the Hope annual Harvest Festival. The morning begins with worship at 10:30 AM, followed by a fellowship luncheon and an auction of harvest goods. It's not too early to think about what you will make or bring as a gift to auction at the Harvest Festival!

Choir rehearsals have begun and will continue on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM. It is not too late to join for our youth to join. We have experienced the musical gifts in Hope's congregation in so many ways during our worship this summer. If you like to sing or even if you think you like to sing, consider making the weekly commitment to be part of Hope's choir. For further information speak to any choir member or to the Music Director, Pat Dieh.

Help By Phone is in need of contributions of pancake syrup, canned meats, canned soup, and cold cereal.
The Mission Committee would like to schedule servers for Prince George's House through 2011. On the second Monday of each month... read more ...

Choir rehearsals have begun and will continue on Wednesday nights at 7:30PM. It is not too late to join. We have experienced the musical gifts in Hope's congregation in so many ways during our worship this summer. If you like to sing or even if you think you like to sing, consider making the weekly commitment to be part of Hope's choir. For further information speak to any choir member or to the Music Director, Pat Dieh.

Collington Bible Study takes place on Thursday from 4 -5 PM in the chapel at Collington. The group is studying the Old Testament Book of Job. This will be interesting, challenging and stimulate a lot of discussion. The study guide used for these sessions will be a book written by the Rev. Wesley Baker called "More Than a Man Can Take." Rev. Baker served as interim pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church in the 1990's. Hope members and friends are invited to attend this Bible Study.

Hope strives to be a welcoming church where each person is valued as a child of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, it is Hope's prayer that each person will be inspired by the Holy Spirit for a life of faith, sharing in the church's mission to spread God's love in the world.

A Protestant Church with a long standing tradition and commitment to biblical study as well as nurture and training for both clergy and lay leadership.

A Connectional Church as a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which includes over 11.500 congregations with a local membership of over 2.5 million throughout the U.S.A.
A Reformed Church believing in the Holy Spirit's work through the church community guided by the scriptures, the living word of God, seeking to be reformed and always reforming according to the word of God.

Be our guest at Hope Presbyterian Church on a Sunday morning. You are likely to see people of many ages, colors, cultural and ethnic backgrounds leading and participating in worship. You are likely to hear voices raised in song to traditional hymns, contemporary hymns, gospel and spirituals, classical church music and ethnic hymn tunes.
It is our hope that you will experience an invitation to grow in the Christian faith, and to share God's love and joy with the people of God.

Being ever thankful for the wonder and generosity of God's love,
our prayerful hope is to: proclaim the living Christ in worship in nuture in fellowship
serving joyfully - all to the glory of God.


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