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Central Church
Information may not be reliable

Central Church is an evangelical church serving greater Memphis, Collierville, Germantown, Olive Branch, Cordova, Bartlett, West TN, to meet
Address2005 Winchester Blvd Collierville, TN 38017-3388
Phone(901) 888-4673
Subscribe to our podcast (click on picture):

- Men's Early Bird "Men's Fraternity" Study,
5:45-7 a.m. weekly
- Ruth Circle (senior adult women) 11:00 at Central the first Tuesday of every month except July and August.

- "Men's Fraternity" Study,
6:45-8:30 p.m. weekly in the fellowship hall

- Sr. Adult Come Alive Dinner (Every 3rd. Fri. of the month)

Electronic Giving Information--click on the logo for more information!
Simple and easy to on the link above to access the secured site of National Church Service. You may use e-giving for one time or reoccuring transactions. You may print a receipt for your records and track on-line giving. All giving is recorded onto your contribution statement maintained by the church. The church zip code is 38017!

Child Dedication, and Baptism for Children and Adults

Discovering Membership at Central and Other Discover Classes

Women, join us Thursday, December 2 at 9:30 a.m. with special guest, Heather Olford, and 6:30 p.m. with special guest, Ellen Olford. Tickets are $10 per person per session. Childcare is available for the morning session for ages 5 and under and for the evening session for ages 11 and under.

See the description below of what will take place during each gathering.

Dear Sisters in Christ,
What a glorious time of year! This is a time to celebrate the blessings God has bestowed upon us, to enjoy family and friends, favorite foods, and to savor the mood of goodwill and well-being among the people we encounter.

It is also the time of year that we - as women - are the busiest! There is baking to do, presents to be purchased (and wrapped), decorating, school programs to attend, entertaining family and friends, and travel for some. All of this is in addition to the everyday responsibilities of life. How easy it is to become so busy that we can temporarily forget the primary reason we are celebrating - the wondrous birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!

This is why I want to extend to you my personal invitation to join us, Central's Women's Ministries, on Thursday, December 2. There are two separate opportunities to do so - brunch at 9:30 a.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are available through the links above or at the Women's table on Sunday.

At brunch, Mrs. Heather Olford, a beloved pastor's wife of many years, will not only entertain us with her abilities as a pianist, but she will also recall many of the Christmas traditions from the United Kingdom. At the dinner hour, Ellen Olford, Director of Women's Ministries, will share Christmas traditions as well as a special Christmas message. Anne Frey will play the harp. You will also have the opportunity to join in singing Christmas carols with Roberta Hoppe, Brenda Faulk, Ingrid Fullerton, Linda Smith and Cheryl Maccarino.

Please plan to join us for this sweet time of celebration and bring a friend. This will be a wonderful way of reinforcing in our lives what this blessed Season is truly about before we enter into the hustle and bustle.

Child Dedication and Baptism for Children and Adults

Central's Child Dedication is about a commitment parents make to put God first in their home and to trust in Him as their source of direction and help in raising their children. The dedication takes place during a church service. At the time of dedication, the congregation promises to support the parents and children in their spiritual growth over the years. Together, we look forward to the day these children will make their personal profession of faith in Christ.

In order to participate in a dedication service, parents must first attend a dedication class. The purpose of baby dedication is to establish the partnership between the parents and the church in passing on the faith to their children and their children's children. The class prepares and equips parents for this very important responsibility. Both parents are required to attend the class prior to dedicating their baby in a church service. Other family members are welcome to come to the class and childcare is provided.

Dedication classes are at 5:00 p.m. in the Hospitality Room:

Child Dedication Is not Infant Baptism
We believe that when people are old enough to understand what it means to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they should have the opportunity to make that choice for themselves. A young child is not able to understand sin, forgiveness, the sacrifice Jesus made by dying on the cross for us, and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Child Dedication is about the commitment parents make to lead their children into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The safety of children is a priority for us so we will need some information about your children (child's name, allergies, special instructions, etc.) You may complete the visitor form online and the information will be sent to us ahead of time so we can have your child's nametag ready when you arrive at the Welcome Center. This will save time for your family when you visit or you may complete the form in person. We look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Address: 2005 Winchester Blvd., Collierville, TN 38017-3388, 901-888-4673

Submit a Job Opportunity, a Want Ad (members only), or a Member Service (members only)

Job Opportunities - job listings provided by Central Church members and other employers.

We want to hear from you!
Please use this link to give us any feedback you think we need to hear.

Ask the Pastors Bible and related questions. Why did the Israelites get to use tithe money to buy alcohol? Did Jesus visit hell? What is Purgatory? Are we supposed to forgive the Devil? How should we respond to the "Does the Bible allow cremation"? and others (last entry on March 19, 2010)

Read our special People Feature about one of our Members.

Read about how one of Central's own members has authored a book that will give you strength to say 'no' to ungodliness.

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Branches and additional offices:
(901) 255-8142 Memphis, TN 38101-
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(901) 255-8133 Memphis, TN 38101-

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