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Maryville Church of Christ
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Maryville Church of Christ online information
Address611 Sherwood Dr Maryville, TN 37801-4575
Phone(865) 983-0370

Maryville Church of Christ

Faith and Friends in the Foothills of the Smoky Mountains

By Jonathan Jones II
For centuries people believed that Aristotle was correct when he said that the heavier an object, the faster it would fall to earth. Aristotle was regarded as the greatest thinker of all time, and surely he was not wrong.

Verse of the Week: As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him (Psalm 103:13).

Ralph Warlick remains in CCU at BMH after his heart attack on Sunday evening. He is off the ventilator and breathing on his own.
Laurie Holmes (Red CG) went home on Tuesday evening but will still be confined at home. Limited visits.
Salena Pearmain (Purple CG) will have outpatient surgery on November 19 to remove a melanoma from her back.

November 24th ~ Peak of the Week is cancelled and youth will meet in auditorium at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
November 28th ~ Jr. High lunch at the Paddocks; please bring $3.00 for your lunch.

I hope everyone is ready for some time off from school and time with the family. Only a few more days and then some well needed rest. Parents and teens continue to look for service in our community in which we can become involved. We will not have class on the 24th but we will still have services in the main building on the 23rd.

Some people carry extremely heavy burdens. All of humanity shares in the cup of sorrow (Job 14:1), but it seems that some have a cup that overflows with trouble. I dare not repeat the mistake of Job's friends and try to explain or pretend to identify with the suffering that you may be enduring. Job's friends were helpful when they simply sat with Job and experienced his suffering with him (Job 2:11, 13). It was when they tried to give trite statements and explanations for Job's pain that they became "miserable comforters" (Job 16:2; 42:8). Sometimes the best comfort we can offer those who are hurting is the powerful language of our silent presence.

Verse of the Week: Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. 1Timothy 5:17

Arthur Mabee (Deaf Congregation) is still doing well, is at home and able to eat well.
Laurie Holmes (Red CG) is in BMH, room 552, with complications with her leg. No visitors please.

Charles Shultz (Deaf Congregation) has begun therapy after his hip replacement.
Ancel Lynn (Red CG) has been in the hospital but is home now.

November 28th ~ Jr. High lunch at the Paddocks; please bring $3.00 for your lunch

I want to thank everyone that came to the missions dessert last Sunday. Our teens did such a great job and I wanted to share their mission with you. What a great turnout. Thanks also goes out to all the parents that helped in the kitchen to make it all possible. What a great family.

Frederick Orr will be the guest speaker for the deaf next Sunday, November 14. Mr. Orr recently graduated from the Sunset Bible School in Lubbock, Texas.

Gods Solutions for Church ProblemsChurches today face many problems both doctrinally and practically. Division ravages the Christian landscape, sexual sin scandalizes the church, charismatic and emotion-driven worship threatens to disturb the order of the church, divorce is leaving a trail of destruction in the Christian family, mega-churches bow at the feet of the church growth movement and compromise plain teaching, preaching often is designed to make people feel good rather than convict people, worship is marketed to please people rather than God, and our culture is actively ridiculing a risen Savior. As the church today faces many challenges, we must not despair. The message of 1 Corinthians offers hope to the church and godly solutions for church problems. THIS CLASS WILL BE RECORDED. ORDER CDS IN CHURCH OFFICE OR GO ON LINE TO THE CHURCH WEBSITE TO DOWNLOAD THE LESSONS.

This study begins with Judges, chapters 17-21, and will complete our earlier study of the Book of Judges. The last five chapters provide a clear picture of how Israel was living and acting, showing why they had such a downward spiral into wickedness. This lays a foundation for us to study Biblical ethics and morality as it applies to us today, looking at how we are living and acting in response to God.

Bible Class and Worship for the Deaf (begins at 10:00 a.m.)Room 205

This class is designed to help Christian men come to a fuller understanding of their role as leaders in the Kingdom of God. Lessons will be developed from a variety of authors and will focus on Biblical leadership. This is not just a class for those aspiring to be elders and deacons, but for all men who want to be better equipped to rise up to the challenge of being men of God.

What About The Women? examines scriptures that speak specifically to and about Christian women. Cynthia Guy will lead us through an in-depth, but easy-to-understand study of these often avoided passages. You will finish this study with a deeper understanding of how you, as a Christian woman, can serve God in a vibrant way at home, at church, and in the world.

Beginner Sign Language Class with Laura Huff. The advanced class has joined the deaf class in 205 with Herb Byrd in a study of the prophets of the divided kingdom.

Beyond Baptism. Building a life for God. With faith intact lets take a long serious look at creating a life centered on Christ. We will review what to do and where to go to continue the race and fight a good fight.

Verse of the Week:Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. 1Timothy 4:13


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