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Episcopal Church of The Annunciation
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The official Web site of the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, with information about the diocese, its churches, members and ministries.
Address304 Cosby Hwy Newport, TN 37821-2913
Phone(423) 625-1864

We welcome you!

The subject of politics is much on our collective awareness as a country these days. Even if we might try to avoid politics, it is nearly impossible to do so - that is, if we read a newspaper or watch TV or, even, drive down the road. Indeed, we cannot help but be aware that this is the political season in our country.

Now, this sermon will not deal directly with politics, I assure you. However, a principle known by every politician is the beginning point of what I want to say. Anyone who has spent time in public life realizes the two realities involved in taking any public action. That is, there is the action itself. Then, secondly, there is the public response. On good days, some kind of correspondence exists between action and appropriate response. However, all too often, there seems to be little association between someone's action, in the first place, and the response and evaluation which follow the action. As a public figure, Jesus encountered this kind of disconnected reaction often, and in fact, he had to deal with it all the time. ...

- The Rt. Rev. Charles G. vonRosenberg,
from a sermon titled, "The Apolitical Way"
October 31, at Annunciation, Newport

(To read the sermons of Bishop Charles G. vonRosenberg, see "The bishop's sermons" at right)
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Nominees for bishop announced

Click on image at left to go to the convention web page.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson and Executive Council member Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine have issued a letter to the church calling for study on the Covenant. The final Proposed Covenant and Study Guide can be downloaded here. Comments on the Anglican Covenant may be submitted up to April 24, 2011 to

November 20: HOLIDAY BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE, St. Andrew, Maryville, 9 a.m. - Noon, in the Great Hall. Featured: Pottery, original art, hand-crafted note cards, knitted items, garden items, fabric crafts, Christmas decorations, baked goods, silent auction. For children: the "House of Christmas Mouse," featuring gifts children can buy for parents and siblings. Proceeds from sales will benefit Family Promise of Blount County. St. Andrew is located at 314 W. Broadway, Maryville, 865-983-3512.
December 5: INTEGRITY EAST TENNESSEE'S ANNUAL SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS, 7 p.m., St. Thomas, 5401 Tiffany Road (Tiffany & Merchant), Knoxville, with David Ensley, Organist/Musician. Casual dress. Holiday refreshments will follow. All are welcome. Questions? Call Nancy Mott, 865-637-8801.

March 12: 'TELLING OUR STORY YEAR ROUND', Diocesan Stewardship Conference at Ascension, Knoxville. Speakers will be the Rev. Lance Ousley, stewardship officer in the Diocese of Texas and the Rev. Terry Parsons, former stewardship officer for The Episcopal Church.

Directory of East Tennessee churches, with links to web sites
Weekly Lectionary Readings
Diocesan Calendar: Visitations, events and prayer cycle
Supply clergyPrayers for Military, by East Tennessee parish
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
2010 Diocesan Parish Report Form
Diocesan Sample Parish Charter and Bylaws
Opportunity Fund and diocesan MDGs fund
Video Resources from Virginia Theological Seminary
Book of Common Prayer, formatted for printing
Facts about The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion
For Clergy and Lay Professionals
Ministry transition opportunities within the diocese
Diocesan formation for the priesthood and diaconate
Continuing education policy and information
Sabbatical leave policy
Other diocesan policies
Clergy Guide - Helpful links for new clergy

The East Tennessee Episcopalian current issue and archives
Episcopal Life Online Official news of the Episcopal Church
Episcopal Cafe Media coverage and blogs about the Episcopal Church
Anglican Communion News Service Official news of the Anglican Communion
The News Centre at Anglicans Online

Leadership Roster and elected positions
Constitution and canons

The East Tennessee Episcopalian
For Media: publicity photos, graphics, information

Diocesan Day at Grace Point bulletin inserts: color black and white
Jubilee Centers in the Diocese

June 2 pastoral letter from the Presiding Bishop
May 28 Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion from the Archbishop of Canterbury
Note from Bishop vonRosenberg regarding the two letters above
76th General Convention
Recap of the 2009 General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Anglican Consultative Council Meeting

News and information from the meeting of the Anglican Communion's most representative decision-making body can be found at:

[ Episcopal Life Online and Anglican Communion News Service ]

Lambeth Conference Links to information about the once-a-decade conference of the world's Anglican bishops, held July 16 - August 4, 2008:

Recap of the 2006 General Convention of The Episcopal Church


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