St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, Signal Mountain, TN
On This Rock Endowment Fund
St. Timothy´s Episcopal Church
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
We welcome you to join us at St. Timothys Episcopal Church
A member of the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, the Episcopal Church USA and the Worldwide Anglican Communion.
You will encounter:
A joyful diversity of worship styles and spaces
A thriving childrens and youth ministry
Lively offerings of weekday and Sunday Christian Education and Formation offerings for all ages
A variety of fellowship opportunities
Compassionate pastoral care
Vital service and outreach to the community
Our warm and welcoming congregation is looking forward to sharing our ministry with you. Join us for worship on Sunday!
8:00 Rite I Eucharist - Chapel
9:00 Rite III Eucharist (contemporary)- Nave
11:00 Rite II Eucharist (traditional) - Nave
November 21 Stewardship Ingathering Bring your pledge card to any service
Search for a Bishop
Information Pages for the Search for the Fourth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee.