Dear Webpage Visitor,
As I pondered what to say as I Welcome you to Tennessee Avenue Baptist Church, I began thinking about who would visit this page. The concept that anyone from anywhere in the world may pass this way is still somewhat beyond me. Then God reminded me that regardless of who visits or where they are in this world we all have the same need for the Lord Jesus. My prayer for you is that as you browse through this visual portrait of our ministry that you will read the Gospel Message, listen to the Gospel Message in our Archived Sermons, and actually see the Gospel Message in the thrust of all of our Ministries. If you live close to our location then I invite you to come worship with us. We have Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:55 on Sunday Mornings, 6:00 PM on Sunday Evening and 7:00 PM on Wednesday Evening. Please come to see will be glad that you did. Our Sunday AM/PM and Wednesday PM Messages are accessible from the Home Page under Sermons Audio and remember that we are live on 980 AM Radio at 10:58 AM each Sunday Morning.
Yours In Jesus,Bro. Joe Hudson