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Congregation Sherith Israel
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Congregation Sherith Israel is an Orthodox Synagogue in downtown Nashville, Tennessee
Address3600 W End Ave Nashville, TN 37205-2403
Phone(615) 292-6614
Sherith Israel is a century-old Orthodox synagogue with a rich history. We welcome every Jew to our community, regardless of background, level of observance or knowledge, age, or socio-economic circumstances.

I take this opportunity to reflect on my first years as President of the Board of Congregation Sherith Israel. Its been both an incredible honor and a true joy serving the Shul.

True, I didnt put myself in the spot light, give many speeches, or keep up with monthly updates in the bulletin. Those who know me well are not surprised because that hasnt been my style. Im a true believer in actions speak louder than words and its a privilege to support and work with Rabbi Saul and Cantor Lieberman who lead by that example each and every day.

This years growth of Sherith Israels community and its commitment to each others well being has been especially inspiring to me. Its wonderful to see how much we care for one another.

This past year, the Shuls educational programs increased substantially. Learning opportunities included: The Matan Program (for pre-Bat-Mitzvah girls and moms), Rabbis and Cantors classes, and two new programs for partner study, Ginat Risya and Mizmor LDovid.

The Sunday School, Cheder, Junior, and Senior youth programs continue to make a huge impact thanks to the efforts of Cantor Lieberman and Rabbi Sam, our youth Rebbe.

Our daily Minyan has been much stronger than in recent years (though we still need more help), thanks to the efforts of our Minyan organizers and our regulars. Calling for a 10th man is largely a thing of the past. The chevreshaft that is continually being formed brings a new level of closeness to this dedicated group.

Shabbat mornings is when the Shul sprit comes alive. With our diverse crowd of members and guests (and it truly has become a crowd) we put aside our differences and together experience the beauty of Shabbos through the meaningful and lively davening, through the Welcome Committees greeters and other hospitable faces, and through Rabbis messages of Torah not to mention the kiddushes celebrating our many simchas (happy occasions) its true what they say: a Shul that prays together stays together.

Sisterhoods endless efforts are the blood line that continues to pump our Shul with new, creative, and warm energy. We appreciate, as well, their continuous effort to quietly comfort and support many members of the community.

Thanks to our new website, information is as quick as a click of the mouse. Updates about the Shul and its members are available at, and regular emails are sent from Rabbi and the office.

While the souls of Sherith are evolving, the physical attributes are changing as well. Our grounds never looked greener, the Eruv invites all to visit, and gradual renovation through Rabbis eyes are enhancing the Shuls charm.

This time of the year has most of us contemplating on our past actions. I want to take this moment to ask for forgiveness to all those that I let down, to those to whom I showed not enough support, or by not following protocol, using my words in a hurtful way and/or not using my words to praise enough. It was never my intention to betray, offend, distress or to be unkind to anyone.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your friendship, time and support in making Congregation Sherith Israel a place of Torah, family, and spirituality.

My gratitude and trust to Rabbi Saul and Cantor Lieberman is endless. Thank you for all your encouragement.

I, along with my family, want to wish you and your families near and far a very happy, healthy and sweet New Year

Congregation Sherith Israel is a member of the Orthodox Union.


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