We hope that you will be able to come and worship with us.
In these days it is sometimes difficult to find the time to think about the wonders of God, and even if we had the time it usually seems like our time would be better spent resting for the week ahead because of how tired we are. But this is exactly the reason that worship is so important! Revitalize your soul by turning to the Lord in an attitude of worship and feel safe in the presence of your adopted family.
Family is at the heart of worship here at First Presbyterian Church. We recognize that family has value far beyond money or anything else for that matter. So come if you are tired, come if you havent thought about God in years, come if you are strong in your journey with the Lord and you are looking to share and learn with others. Come, because you are a wonderful child of God and you are welcome in your Fathers house.
Rev. Chris McCurdy,Pastor
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the ages.
God calls our church to be a loving, prayerful, nurturing and outgoing fellowship or believers of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, who, under guidance of the Holy Spirit and Scripture are excited disciples of Christ, glorifying and enjoying God as we make the Lord Jesus Christ visible through our lives.