About us Mission of St James Worship and Music Music St. James' organ Acolytes Altar Guild Ushers Wedding Committee Lectors and Chalice Bearers Flower Guild Christian Formation Cursillo/Ultreya EFM Disciple Christian Formation for Children Centering Prayer Community Care & Inreach Hospitality Committee Lay Eucharistic Visitors Daughters of the King (DOK) Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Episcopal Peace Fellowship Men's Group Stephen Ministry Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Francis Guild Kitchen Committee Memorial Committee Office Volunteers Library Committee Visitor & New Member Ministry Outreach Appalachian Resource Team Career Closet Career Closet in the News Doorstep Ministry Habitat for Humanity Habitat slide show popup Helping Hands Helping Hands Christmas Pantry N'jabacca school project Latest from Liberia Mobile Meals Fritz Mobile Meals Volunteer Volunteer Ministry Center Outreach Committee Stewardship and Resources Stewardship Committee Finance & Administration Vestry Annual Giving Planned Giving Opportunity Fund Our rector: the Rev. John Mark Wiggers About the Diocese of East Tennessee Life in Knoxville & E. Tenn Operating Budget Membership History of St James Research & Data Collection
Calendar & Announcements
HELP!!!!! Last week VMC made an error in the number of parishioners who had signed up to be on TEAM ST. JAMES for the October 2 Race! Instead of 200+, we have only 125 signed up as of Tuesday, September 14. Our goal is at least 175! VMC extended the deadline to [...]
Join your St. James pals for the annual Dog Days of Summer hot dog cookout at the Fellowship Dinner tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8, 6:15 pm You don’t have to bring ANYTHING except your appetite! BONUS! Karol Harper, Volunteer Ministry Center public relations and development director, will be with us to share all of the amazing [...]
Mental Health First Aid class offering by parishioner Ron Morton
By Betty Bowling This month, I am not doing a book review; instead, I would like to tell you about a Mental Health First Aid class I recently attended. This six-hour class, taught by Ron Morton, was for the church staff and Doorstep Ministers. Since I am not very knowledgeable about emotional disorders, the class [...]
“Jobs available…No experience necessary…Approximately 30 hours a year…”Great benefits!!! For more information come to the St. James Altar Guild Booth on Rally Day, Sept.12th. or call Patty Chase @ 865-524-0551.
Adult choir rehearsal, 10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite II: 10:30 a.m. Coffee hour right after service
Please send all website updates or corrections to Elizabeth Burman : teburman@bellsouth.net
To donate to Episcopal Relief and Developments disaster response fund, visit www.er-d.org or call 1-800-334-7626, ext. 5129. Gifts can also be mailed to Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058. If you would like your donation directed to a specific fund, please write the fund name on the memo line of your check (see website for named funds).
...agrowing Episcopal congregation diverse, inclusive and friendly. The Lord is doing great things here and bringing wonderful people to share in the life of our parish. We are excited about the future He has in store for us.
Our community of faith cares for its members, reaching out in celebration and grief. We are present for and minister to each other. Our fellowship dinners and after service social time offer opportunities for connecting with each other.
We also look outward. Our church actively ministers to the community around St. James. We have a food pantry, Helping Hands, which provides food for the poor. We have crews delivering Mobile Meals in the area, and we have two teams who provide meals at Volunteer Ministry Center on the first Friday and Saturday of each month.
We are offering programs to nurture spiritual growth with our active Sunday morning Church School, Alpha course on Thursday evenings and special events. For our children and young people, we offer such opportunities as Godly Play, an active and friendly EYC, and an acolyte program. We hope your visit with us will be a blessing. Come and know us better.
Want to know more about St. James?Read our Parish Profile here!
The Diocese of East TennesseeThe Right Rev. Charles von Rosenberg, Bishop
National Episcopal News
Bulletin inserts provide update on Native American ministries
Native Americans and Alaskan natives have centuries of rich tradition and cultural knowledge passed down from generation to generation. They have survived a traumatic history, in which the Episcopal Church was directly involved including removal of children from their families to church and government-run boarding schools. In the past year, the Episcopal Church has worked to acknowledge that history as it invites Native Americans and Alaskan natives
Presiding bishop addresses major ecumenical gathering on the interconnectedness of God's creation
The National Council of Churches and global humanitarian agency Church World Service are capping a year of ecumenical anniversary celebrations with their annual general assembly, welcoming religious leaders from the United States and beyond, including Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Church partners meet in Sudan to discuss post-referendum scenarios, long-term development
International partners committed to the welfare of Sudan and its Episcopal Church gathered in Juba Nov. 5-7 to reaffirm their unwavering support for the country's future and to discuss possible scenarios following the upcoming referendum on independence.