WHY CATHOLIC? Journey through the Catechism - A faith sharing opportunity for each of us to deepen our understanding of Life in Christ and reflect of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes with other adults. Several opportunities are open to you. Monday, 7:00pm at TTU; Tuesday, 5:00pm in Aquinas Hall; Wednesday, 6:00pm & 6:30pm in the Parish Hall; Thursday, 7:00pm in Aquinas Hall; Friday, 9:00am in the Parish Hall; Saturday, 10:00am in the Catholic Center and Sunday after the 8:00am Mass in the Parish Hall.
Don't miss the Daughters of Isabella Bake Sale November 20th & 21st!!!
Be sure to make a donation with the Daughters of Isabella for the Christmas quilt to be given away, drawing will be held November 21st after the 10:30am Mass.
As always, the Knights of Columbus "Big" breakfast after the 8:00am Mass, November 28th (the last Sunday of every month)
Come and enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes, biscuits & gravy, juice, milk, coffee and tea with your fellow parishioners!
Adults $5, children $3, families of 4 or more $15.
Office will be closed!! Thanksgiving weekend, November 25 thru November 28.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)
venings at 7:00pm in the Adult Meeting Room lower level Parish Hall
Este Web site está disponible en español. Chasque aquí para visión la versión española de la iglesia católica del St. Thomas Aquinas.