Dr. Jeffrey Fosnes is a board-certified family practice physician with an office in Springfield, Tennessee next to NorthCrest Medical Center.
Dr. Fosnes sees patients ages 3 and up and provides personal service for all his patients.
Dr. Fosnes holds full admitting privileges at NorthCrest Medical Center in Springfield, TN and refers patients to a number of Springfield and Nashville-area specialists and hospitals.
Dr. Fosnes' practice employs no physician extenders so you can be assured that you will see your physician personally when you make an appointment.
Appointments are encouraged, but Dr. Fosnes' staff will be glad to make same-day and walk-in appointments for those times when you need to see the doctor right away!
Jeffrey C. Fosnes M.D.* 220 NorthCrest Drive * Springfield * TN * 37172 * (615) 384-7492