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Serving Northeast Tennessee and SW Virginia Real Estate
Hello! Thank you for visiting. This website is designed to be your complete Tri-Cities Tennessee Real Estate resource. The links will guide you to information that will help answer your questions concerning available Kingsport, Johnson City and Bristol Real Estate and community issues. This website is a useful tool but we invite you to call us for personal, one-on-one help with what some say is the biggest decision you will make in your life. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email us.
Selling a Home? We will get your home sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Our online and offline marketing programs will give you the edge you need to sell your home. We don't want to just list your home, We want to sell it fast!
Relocating to the Tri-Cities Tennessee area? If you are moving to our area, we can assist you in collecting the information you need, and make your transition as smooth as possible. Feel free to contact us for home finding assistance and area information.
We have built a reputation for client satisfaction, and are devoted to making your move as easy as possible. You will have the added benefit of working with an agent that understands your needs when buying, selling or relocating in the Tri-Cities Tennessee or Southwest Virginia area. Finding the right home is only the beginning. We will assist you every step of the way to ensure smooth sailing. Thank you for visiting our website!
ICS Realty is dedicated to providing its clients with the finest customer service available and hope we can help you buy or sell real estate. We pride ourselves on being experts in bringing home buyer
ICS Realty is dedicated to providing its clients with the finest customer service available and hope we can help you buy or sell real estate. We pride ourselves on being experts in bringing home buyer
2875 Northeast 191st Street #102 Aventura, FL 33180, United States
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