The Disc Institute®
44250 Garfield Rd Suite 104
Clinton Township, MI 48038, United States
Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm
"The Disc Institute® is a revolutionary medical breakthrough
treatment center totally devoted to bulging, herniated and degenerative disc
conditions and disc-related symptoms. With locations in Clinton Township,
Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Disc
Institute® has one primary goal: to help
you avoid spinal surgery. Dr. Joseph Mannella and his team have personally developed
this unique treatment and its protocols, and they achieved the best solution
with the highest patient outcomes (backed by studies) in a setting that is
wholly devoted to healing and repairing bad discs while accomplishing lasting
pain relief with a positive impact on the quality of life of the patient.The Disc Institute® is uniquely focused on disc problems,
conditions and symptoms. They routinely treat bulging disc, degenerative disc
disease, herniated disc, and sciatica, to name a few. Disc issues can affect
anyone of any age, but the outdated standard of care does not address the
cause, and that leads patients to ineffective and dangerous procedures like
epidural injections and spinal surgery. Treatment at The Disc Institute® employs Dr. Mannella's own
trademarked IntraDiscNutrosis®. This is a nonsurgical process that supports the
simple biological fact that discs are comprised of living tissue, which has the
ability to self-repair. IntraDiscNutrosis® is a completely unique form of
treatment that turns back on the discs repair process: it is not physical
therapy, chiropractic care, pain management, or spinal surgery. There is no down
time, no pain during the procedure, and no side effects.It is important to understand that treatment at The Disc
Institute® may not be appropriate for every situation. Call (586)
416-DISC (3472) today to see if you qualify for their innovate
approach to disc repair. Two research studies confirm; at The Disc Institute®,
your odds of finding relief and a better quality of life where other treatments
have failed are very high and lasting.