What is Gilead?
The term “Gilead” can have several meanings, but is generally considered to refer to the region east of the Jordan River in what is the modern country of Jordan. In ancient times, a particular evergreen tree grew in this area and its resin was valued by Hebrew, Greek and Roman medicine. The resin was also used in perfumes of the time. The region is referenced in the Bible as well as other ancient texts as a place of healing, but references to the “balm in Gilead” represent the medicines derived from the resin.
In modern times the phrase “balm of Gilead” is usually referenced to mean a place or substance with healing properties, or it is used as a phrase of comfort. The phrase can be found in poems and hymns with this connotation.
We hope this is the experience people will have at the Gilead center – a place of hope and healing. We offer primary care services, from acute illness to health maintenance, with an emphasis on the whole person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.