Christmas Schedule at Tyner UMC
11-28 6:30 Hanging of the Greens
12-5 6:00 Children's Choir Program
12-11 6:30 Chancel Choir Christmas Program "Come and Worship"
12-15 6:15 Hand Bell and Keyboard Christmas Concert
12-18 10:00 Children's Breakfast with Santa
12-19 6:30 Carols by Candlelight
12-21 6:30 Hand Bells at Rock City
Chad and Leslie Seagraves share at the Third Lausanne Congress of World Evangelism in Cape Town, South Africa.
Click the Picture to see video.
Tyner Joined with the Global Orphan Project and sent a team to HAITI to love on orphans in HAITI.
Dr. Buddy Nichols, Tyner's Lay Ministry Director, ministers to pastors of Haitian churches in the Dominican Republic. In a time of crisis, Dr. Nichols teaches Crisis Intervention strategies to pastors of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Branches and additional offices:
(423) 855-5437Hickory Valley Rd Chattanooga, TN 37401-